Eyes window to the soul

Dating > Eyes window to the soul

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Он восторженно мурчит, его глаза вспыхивают любовью к новому вкусу, и на лице расцветает улыбка, отражая его настроение. Who they really are. Хватит быть таким блять милым, что за нахуй вообще я ща сдохну. Как он вообще мог бояться любить Пак Чимина? Они заказывают свои обычные напитки, хотя в этот раз Чонгук пробует новый вкус, изменяя привычному дынному боба на розовый молочный чай. In comparison, those with more contraction furrows were more neurotic, impulsive and likely to give way to cravings. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. А готов ли Чонгук к тому, что его чувства будут видны? Это вроде не особо нормально?

It is measured by the beauty of the art work by talented hands, the sounds of the music created from the heart and by the wonder of the eyes and ears beholding them in joy. Art and music are the windows of the soul of any country. The greater the art created, the greater the country. Be the man for whom I will tame myself voluntarily.. Be the man who can make me forget my birth date in moments of utter dellusion. Be the man whose arms are my harbor, whose lips are my shore, and whose name is my only salvation. Be the man who erases my past and draws my future with trails of roses and kisses. Be the man who makes me sigh behind the windows of Poetry, longing to be written. Be the man whose cigarette's ashes are confounded with mine. Be the man whose voice moves mountains inside me. Be the man whose eyes devour the innocence within me with every piercing glance. Be the man for whom I will transform exceptions into rules. Be the man who will dare to tear this poem from my hands. The man who will rewrite with the uncertainty of the futur every single one of my verses. You know how they say the eyes are the windows to the soul? I didn't like where this was headed. Once the soul is gone, there's nothing to see through the windows. Animal magnetism is real. It spreads through bodily convection. Even Ariel smiled back. The stunned grin stayed on the faces of some people, an expressions of speculation growing, hoping he would look at them again, or wondering who he was because on this day, and in this world, he was someone. That first night, before its forty days begin, the soul lies still against sweated-on pillows and watches the living fold the hands and close the eyes, choke the room with smoke and silence to keep the new soul from the doors and the windows and the cracks in the floor so that it does not run out of the house like a river. The living know that, at daybreak, the soul will leave them and make its way to the places of its past... With beauty in our lives, we walk and carry ourselves more lightly and with a different look in our eyes. To look into the eyes of someone beholding beauty is to look through the windows of the soul.

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